Bar Mops for the Holiday Clean-Up

Once the holidays are over, you can be left with a big mess to clean up.

People stomped around your house in their snowy shoes, dropped crumbs from your delicious foods, and there are pine needles everywhere. The most efficient way to clean that up is with a bar mop.

These are absorbent cloth made up of 100% cotton. They are ideally used for wiping tables and cleaning glasses – the perfect solution for your leftover holiday mess. We also know you’re probably extremely busy this time of year, so these can serve as a two-for-one deal. These towels are great at doubling as hand towels. So when you have too many guests and don’t have time to do a load of laundry, remember you can sub in bar mops! Towel Hub offers a variety of colors and sizes to suit your every need. Stock up today and don’t become lost in the chaos!