Do Salon towels release lint?

            So, you have bought some salon towels, selected the best towels in the market at the best price. Before you celebrate the new acquisition, you might need to ask , “Do Salon towels release lint?”

Most salon towels would be made from cotton, a natural fiber that would be subject to shedding. Nevertheless, there are varying strategies that you could use to reduce the possibility of shedding lint.

            First, ensure that you select high quality cotton fibers. Lower quality cotton fibers could potentially worsen shedding since shorter fibers are more susceptible to shedding and pilling.

On the same note, ensure that you freeze the new towels to soak them in cold water before washing. The cold treatment would be followed by a normal wash and dry procedure. You may also wash the new towels with baking soda and vinegar prior to washing them. In case you use vinegar, you will only need to add a cup of vinegar to the wash, or half a cup of baking soda in a cup of water. In either of the cases, you may use regular detergent and hot water. Combining both baking soda and vinegar would be sure to produce a powerful anti-shedding boost.