New Bleach Resistant Salon Towels

             Salons use many towels, in which case you might be tempted to go for the cheapest in order to save on costs. However, it is imperative that you purchase towels that are specified for use in salons. During these times hygiene is important, need not worry about the quantity of your salon towels.  Purchase Bleach Proof Towels and Bleach Safe Salon Hand Towels that are perfect for use as Salon Towels.

            First, you need to ensure that they have the soft texture. This allows for the provision of a relaxing and spa-like experience to the clients. Consider  salon towels that feel soft but will  endure machine washing with bleach. This makes salon towels easy to sanitize in the wash cycle with chlorine bleach. Of course this means that the salon towels would have the capacity to withstand contact with harsh chemicals that are often used in salons, unlike the case of most towels.

            On the same note, you might need to examine the thickness and weight of the towel. As much as lightweight salon towels might seem better, thicker salon towels might be more luxurious, comfortable and practical for stylists. This is complemented by their high absorbency rates, which makes them more appropriate.

            Lastly, consider the quality construction and durability of the salon towels. It is noteworthy that the quality of construction would have a bearing on the overall longevity and durability of the salon towels. Salon towels are subjected to regular washing, as well as exposure to harsh chemicals. In this case, quality construction would prevent salon towels from breaking down quickly, thereby saving you money.