Uses for Hand Towels in Hotels

A hand towel has a lot of uses in hotels; more than suggested by its name. There are various ways hotels can improve their customer experiences at their facilities through the use of hand towels. Some of these ways are

listed below.

Hand towels can be used in the gym: hotels should stock all the fitness centers with numerous hand towels that their customers can grab and use at will. It is hard for them to use the regular towels that are often large and bulky. The best option is a handy hand towel, that is highly absorbent and can dry quickly. Hand towels are easy to use in gyms because they are small enough to hold while working out.

Hand towels can also be used in the hotel restrooms: these should be available in the restrooms in the rooms, at the lobby or in the restaurants as its an excellent way to improve the experience of the guests. Hand towels, nicely arranged on the services of the restaurants often improve the elegance of the restrooms, and therefore, the experience of the visitors.

Hand towels can also be used in rooms: most hotels often forget to stock up the room bathrooms with hand towels. However, this is a dangerous overlook that can decrease how visitors rate your hotel because they are forced to clean and dry their faces and hands using the regular bath towel. No one wants to do this, especially when they are having a good time at a luxurious hotel.

Hand towels can also be used as decorations: hotel patrons often go crazy for cute hand towel decorations that are often placed on tables or restrooms, like towel animals or other forms made from shaping the hand towel. This is also another way of improving customer experience.

Hand towels can also be sold in hotel gift shops: guests might want to take souvenirs to their loved ones after their stay at the hotel. Therefore, it is always a good idea to have a stock of hand towels at the hotel large.