The Best Hotel Bath Towels

Apparently, there is a lot of psychology that guides how we choose or buy things that we use every day.

For example, people are seduced by various aspects of a product including its sight and scent. For example, when a nice fragrance matches with a similarly nice appealing visual image, people not only perceive it as being more pleasant but they are also likely to remember the product better. Additionally, the feel of the product also plays a critical role in people’s decision regarding whether to purchase it or not. Color also influences a lot of buying decisions.

Evidently, all these senses influence how luxury spas and hotels buy and use their bath towels.

A hotel manager purchasing bath towels, for example, has to imagine the guests spending their night at their hotel or resort or relaxing and having fun at their spa. To give them the best experience, the hotel or spa has to want to ensure that they influence and create the customers’ brains with their sensory branding.

To do this, the hotels and spas have to ask themselves questions like the following:

  • Are the bath towels luxurious, plush and soft to the touch?

  • Are they clean and do they have a nice fragrance?

  • Were the bath towels presented attractively to the customers?

  • Has your hotel or spa log been embedded on the bath towel to create the best and the most attractive look?

  • What other things or factors could make the customer’s experience more memorable? For example, a wide variety of differently colored bath towels, different designs, and so on.

What hotels and spas have to remember is that it is not just about getting the most affordable bath towel; they also have to consider how the bath towel will influence the sensory experience of the customer through sight, smell, and touch.