Why Your Clients Will Love You for Offering Golf Towels

Many golfing resorts and hotels that offer golfing services often do not see the need to provide their customers with golfing towels. However, this is usually a big mistake because their customers have a lot of use for them.

The equipment they use the most from their golf gear is the golf towel. Even the USGA has acknowledged the importance of golf towels and has outlined in their guidelines and rules that golfers are allowed to have a towel or handkerchief wrapped around their clubs while they are playing. Many golfers will also tell you that they will not play without their golf towels.

Therefore, when golfing hotels and resorts fail to provide their customers with golf towels they are making a big mistake because they are reducing the customer experience for the golfers.

Golf towels are used for three different uses in these facilities including personal care, cleaning/ drying and cooling. When it comes to cleaning and drying, the best golf towels are the ones that are lighter in weight and smaller in size. Resorts and hotels offering these services must ensure that the towels are made of a microfiber blend that is superabsorbent. They also have to include a clip so that the golfers can carry them around easily. The key role of this golf towel is often to help keep your clients’ equipment in the best condition for playing including golf clubs and balls. The golfers use these to wipe dirt and sweat from their equipment. Make sure that they are of darker colors so that they do not look too messy.

You also have to offer your customers golf towels for their personal grooming. However, always make sure that this towel is in the best condition and clean because the golfers use it to wipe sweat from their body. And never forget to provide your golfers with a cooling golf towel. It is never a good sight to see golfer with a damp and dirty towel around their neck, staining their clothes with excess water. This is what happens when you forget to provide your customers with a cooling towel so they end up dampening the ones available to cool down.