How to Choose the Perfect Salon Towel for your Salon Business

Whether you are a barber or a manicurist, you will need to use a towel.

Choosing the perfect towel can make an aesthetic and financial difference in your business. A survey found that 65% people will switch to a new salon if their salon does not use fresh towels.

There are so many varieties of salon towels available in the market. You will have to learn to choose that right towel for your business. Here are some of the factors you can consider before choosing the towel for your salon business.

Cotton Towels

There are 2 types of cotton towels available in the market. They are cotton blends and 100% pure cotton. For better durability and absorbency, one must choose 100% pure cotton. Cotton blend salon towels can keep their shape intact for a longer time.

Bleach Proof Towels

Salons use a lot of chemicals for bleaching and dyeing process. The bleach proof salon towels can hold up against chemicals and bleach. These towels are also stained free. These are manufactured using high-quality vat dyeing method. The manufacturers guarantee that these towels will never lose color.

Color Safe Products

Nobody wants stained and faded color towels in a professional salon. A color-safe fabric can be washed in warm water with bleach without losing vibrancy. The color also does not fade.

Some Care and Washing Tips for Salon Towels

New towels should be washed before using it for the first time. Do not reuse towels as this can spread bacteria and germs. Wash the towels after every single use. Salon towels should be washed at high temperature to kill the germs.