Don’t miss these spots during Flu Season

  • Elevator buttons and coffee pot handles are examples of often overlooked areas that have lots of germs as many people interact with them daily. Wash your hands once getting into the office and getting coffee to prevent the spreading of germs.

  • Menus at restaurants are another example of a haven for germs. It’s a good idea to wash your hands after placing your order as menus can harbor a lot of germs in a short period of time.

  • When shopping at grocery or department stores, carry antibacterial wipes or use a small hand towel for when handling grocery or shopping carts in addition to washing/wiping down your reusable bags.

  • If you use public transportation during your commute, subways and buses especially when crowded offer opportunities for you to catch a cold or flu which is why it is essential to wash your hands frequently and to be mindful of the surfaces that you come in contact with on a daily basis.