Linen Closet Organization Tips

Here are several tips below to tidy up your closet and have your home ready for the holiday season.

  • Take inventory of what you currently have and re-purpose missing, mismatched, worn-out, stained or outdated sets or anything you no longer use. A good practice to follow is to have two sets of sheets per bed – one for the bed, one for the laundry.

  • Organize your linens into different categories. Divide the linens according to room, bedding for each bedroom and towels for each bathroom. Putting away for storage bulkier items such as out of season bedding or extra pillows saves space since they are not regularly used.

  • Label your shelves and sort by bedroom, color or size. Folding your sheets and placing them inside their matching pillowcase is a great way to store as one easy package.

  • If you are short on space, rolling your towels is a convenient way to both take advantage of space and also make it very easy for you to grab a towel when needed.