Back to school, back to gym

In fall 2017, about 50.7 million students will attend public elementary and secondary schools and some 20.4 million students are expected to attend American colleges and universities, constituting an increase of about 5.1 million since fall 2000 (source).

Start off the school year right and hit the ground running on the path to success. Now that school is back in session, it’s the perfect time to establish healthy habits and routines such as getting back to the gym.

Set yourself up for success by establishing a schedule of a minimum 3 times a week and consider alternating days to let your body recover and so that you can go all in when focusing on a particular area for the day e.g. legs, abs or arms.

In order to help keep yourself motivated to continue going and not fall back on progress, pack your gym bag the night before and keep it near your bed packed with your gym, clothes, personal towel, and gym shoes. This will serve as a reminder and you will have less of an excuse if you are already prepared and ready to go.