Gym Towels for Your Spin Class

Spin is the hottest new fitness craze.

Crazy shoes, expensive mikes, blaring techno, and motivational speaking characterize this workout, If you haven’t tried it yet, make sure to hit up your nearest studio. If you work at or manage a spin studio, purchasing wholesale gym towels is a great way to cut back on costs while keeping your clientele happy.

The best spin classes will include a high attention to detail -- from the music selection to complimentary water and fruit. Providing your clientele with gym towels and hand towels is a great way to increase this custom feel.

Here are some reasons why you should really consider wholesale gym towels for your spin class:

  • Spin is a lot of work and people get really sweaty! Make sure to provide your customers with gym towels to wipe the sweat from their faces and off their machines.
  • Hand towels also come in handy while spinning, as sometimes a person will want a smaller towel to wipe the sweat from their faces.
  • It nice to have a gym towel around to be able to rest on the handlebars of your bike, providing extra support and cushioning.

Make sure your spin studio delivers a custom experience with wholesale gym towels from Towel Hub.