Stock Your Yoga Studio with Gym Towels in Bulk

It is common practice for yoga studios to be equipped with common equipment used in class — such as mats or blocks.

However, it is less common for yoga studios to include courtesy gym towels. The truth is that providing gym towels at your studio can really improve the customer experience. Towel Hub offers a wide range of gym towels to stock your yoga studio with.

Here are some reasons why it’s a good idea to include gym towels in your yoga studio inventory:

  • During the course of yoga people sweat a lot. A wet mat can make it uncomfortable for the student to go through their poses. It can even become hard to get a good grip or balance when dealing with excess sweat. By making gym towels handy, students can quickly dry off their mats.
  • Gym towels also come in handy when wiping sweat directly of the body. Holding excess sweat on the forehead can be uncomfortable, especially when it falls into the eyes. Gym towels are a great way to quickly wipe sweat off from the body.
  • Gym towels themselves can make for a handy yoga tool. My rolling the towel up you can create additional support for your back and other areas.

Providing gym towels for your clientele is a great way to distinguish your studio, as one that cares about the small details of customer satisfaction. Yoga is a service industry, so take your studio to the next level by purchasing gym towels in bulk at Towel Hub!